
Archive for April, 2013


Brown_widow_spider_Latrodectus_geometricus_undersideI once knew a creature named Aranea, who lived in the kingdom of Danaus, the great monarch. Although she had much in her favor and was quite affable, she had very little respect about most arthropods, also known as insects and spiders, she knew. She frothed at the mouth about other insects, spiders, bee, nests, and anthills of what she disapproved. She was especially hateful against caterpillars and butterflies. When the arthropods were trying to plant and sow, she would detain them from their work. Many of them had become mere skeletons due to being sucked dry. I questioned what kind of spider she was. And Danaus, the great monarch, showed me that she had become a black widow spider.  Ah, yes!  I should have known because of the red hour-glass she sported, in spite of her brown attire, and the strange looking web she had woven unlike the web of a common spider.

Sadly, Aranea had not been born a black widow, but was just a common brown spider living in the kingdom of Danaus. Because of hurtful circumstances in her life, she had allowed Latrodecta, the evil black widow, to inject her with venom, a little here and there until it became her daily sustenance. While the euphoria that she experienced was so powerful, she failed to notice the devastation the venom had upon her. As the venom spread through her body, soon she began to display the characteristics of her mentor, Latrodecta. However, because she was not a black widow naturally, she needed the natural sustenance of her true spider nature. Her mentor suggested that she look for the life fluid of other insects and arachnids for her nourishment. Preying upon her fellow arthropods, she injected the powerful venom of Latrodecta into them and would suck out their lifeblood for her own survival.

What arthropod would voluntarily allow itself to be infected by such evil? But Aranea learned much from the influence of Latrodecta. One method was to snare the arthropods while they were busy. She would sting them with a little venom to catch them off guard, and then take from them some life fluid for her own preservation. Although the venom left them feeling a little tainted for a short time, their own antibodies dealt with the venom. Next time they saw Aranea, they would be aware of her tactics. Sometimes, she would often catch them by surprise.  Aranea was quite resourceful.

 Another more devious tactic Aranea employed was to suck her victim dry of life fluid and fill them with the euphoric venom of Latrodecta.  Not only could Aranea be sustained for longer periods of time, but her fellow arthropods would be drawn to receive more of the euphoric venom from her source, Latrodecta. Soon, a colony of those under this dark influence gave Aranea much control and power. Not that any arthropod would allow itself to succumb to such evil intentions! Nor would many brave souls venture to speak out against such wrong. Aranea learned quickly from her mistress how to ensnare her victims. Although amiable by nature, Aranea had been overcome by a forte beyond her imagination and power. She imagined her deeds were approved by Danaus, or that she was quite cleverer or more intelligent than the other arthropods. Whatever! She walked in great deception.

 Inspired by Latrodecta, Aranea found that wounded arthropods were easily victimized. They would listen to her, unbeknown that her inspiration came from the evil Latrodecta. Aranea would soothe their wounds with a little venom along with slander about this insect or that arachnid. Some things spoken were partially true, were of her twisted opinions, or were even lies; however, the chatter kept the unsuspecting arthropods from discerning what was transpiring. Soon addicted by the venom, the arthropods began to succumb to being drained of their body fluids. There was enough fluid in the venom to keep them from becoming mere skeletons, but to sustain themselves they began to find other arthropods to ensnare in the ultimate web of the evil Latrodecta.

 The most diabolical tactic that Aranea now used entailed joining others like her and attacking either a caterpillar or a butterfly. Three venomous arthropods could easily bring down a caterpillar, but nine noxious arthropods could defeat a lonesome butterfly. With malicious maneuvers, one arthropod would bite the caterpillar victim in the thorax or head, while the other two would attack the abdomen. Worse would be the wolfish attack of the butterfly surrounded by nine odious arthropods brutally attacking the face, antennae, the wings, the legs, the thorax, and the abdomen. Aranea loved to gloat about her deeds, as she licked her lethal fangs. She was such an influence for the purposes of Latrodecta, and yet thought she was serving Danaus.

 Although Danaus, the monarch, would have delivered Aranea from the grip of Latrodecta, Aranea was  so blinded by Latrodecta’s venom. She preferred to hide in the dark, rather than come out into the light. Some would try to pretend that Aranea had not been infected, but they themselves would soon become susceptible by their ignorance of the spirit of the Latrodecta. Unfortunately, the door for healthy communication and sharing of life hurts were stifled because of fear and distrust. Some of the arthropods did receive healing from Danaus, but many would resort back to tasting of the euphoric venom, but never reaching their arthropodic potential in the kingdom of Danaus. The only recourse for the other arthropods would be knowledge of the tactics of Latrodecta, discernment of who had been infected, awareness of their own susceptibility, repentance if they had been ensnared, and to be led by the inspiration of Danaus.

Copyright by Beth Piepenburg, 2013. All rights reserved.